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Ten Commandments Statue Should NEVER Be Removed

{Following is in response to an article published by the Hobbs News-Sun regarding a statue of the Ten Commandments on display at City Hall; please see link at the bottom of this post to read their article in full.}

It’s an issue ONLY raised by interlopers fearful of Christian resistance to a homogenous thought-free society full of central control of all aspects of life. These people intend to remove individual liberty as an axiom of America.

I’ll tell you that I believe this issue SHOULD be decided by the community in which the people with the issue lives, not interlopers who ride in from other lands to ‘help us blend in with the rest of the land’, or to ‘fix us’, so to speak. In my experience with those who wish a central view (and control of) of everything, those people wish to turn the United States and the WORLD into one vanilla, single-thought hive mind collective.

Well, we are INDIVIDUALS, and we enjoy our individual identities. We’re not withholding the liberties of anyone. We’re certainly not forcing anyone to love God or even to READ those commandments. These people want to eliminate competition with their secular ‘utopia’. They are afraid some person may read these commandments and grow a conscious and turn to God, and they are afraid they would lose a secular member! I would say more people should rise and say to these few agitators ‘leave us alone! Leave us to serve our God, and leave us to direct our lives.’ These attempts to homogenize America one small town at a time are disgraceful and speak to a love of the LACK of self-identity. ‘BLEND IN,’they tell us. ‘ASSIMILATE into the collective thought of secularism. BE TOLERANT of every OTHER thought and idea conceived (EXCEPT individuality)!’ Yeah, I don’t think so...

I’ll fight to protect our rights to individuality and our separation from central control with a ‘single idea of how everyone should live/be/dress/eat/love/act/BELIEVE’.

Read the Hobbs News-Sun article, in full, here:

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